Posted by: blankets4kids | June 19, 2010

Keeping Kid’s Warm in the Quad-City area of Prescott!

This is our time to build our inventory of  Blankets, Hats & Scarf’s for the cold winter ahead. Your donated items can be either new or used. They will be delivered to the various Homeless Shelters for kid’s in the community. In addition to giving your blanket to a shelter we also provide like items to the 4 Head Start programs and a large outreach to our Foster Parent Care program. Blanket donation boxes are located throughout the Tri-City area.


  1. would love to knitting and crocheting.can make hats,baby blankets etc.yarn is donated?

    • Hi Ann;
      Did I write you and say I have a couple bags of yarn I can donate to you. Call me at (928) 541-0483 and we’ll get together!

  2. I hope everyone likes the 2nd page Carrie added on blankets 4 kids website as much as I do! Keep your eyes open for new donation boxes being added to the community as timeoes on. If you want one added too your favorite retail store, give us a call and we’ll see what we can do!
    Nice work from the website.

  3. It must be said that the kid’s in Miss Barnes 8th grade class at the middle school in Prescott Valley really put there money where their mouth is. They all opted to make blankets for us, telling their teacher, they wanted to help out the less fortunate in this community. On August 17th, Blankets 4 Kids will present a certificate of appreciation to the Homeroom Class of Miss Barnes.
    Our hope is that the word will get out to all the schools in the Quad-City area and many more will make blankets.

  4. Our blanket, hats and scarf’s inventory is growing by leaps and bounds. The donation boxes around the Tri-City area continue to be full when I make my semi-weekly collections. That’s a good thing! Because of this program affecting so many families and the need to keep these kids warm in the fall & winter months, we are embarking on a goal to build a separate storage unit with a single garage. My little Honda Civic doesn’t have the room anymore. For that reason we are going to seek out donations from major business and foundations in the area, so we’ll have the storage necessary and hopefully we’ll have the money to buy a small van. The Van will be used for pick-ups and deliverys to the various kids homeless shelters and head start org’s in the Quad-City area.
    Please go to our website and click on the button to make a donation thru PayPal. We need every one to help these kids keep warm!

  5. The past several months working with Blanket4Kids has been inspiring to me that even though we are living in difficult times, people truly CARE. I am sure your kindness of creating and donating a comforting blanket has brought many smiles to children, as it has to me.

    Together, we will continue to care and share 4theKids,

    Sincere thanks,

    Chino Valley, AZ

  6. Hi, our knitting group is starting a similar initiative as you are doing in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. We live in an area where there are many needs, single parent families, new immigrants, etc. I would like your permission to use the title ‘Blanket 4 Kids’ for our small program. My plan was to sew a bag, with a blanket, maybe add a toy, or a toothbrush with toothpaste, and give it to a child in need. Could you please reply to the email above if you are okay that I use the name. Thanks

    • Hi Claire;
      I’m not sure you ever got my reply on using our registered organization name; Blankets 4 Kids. Inc. I’m sorry that’s not possible because it is registered to me, Ron Campbell. I am the only one who is eligible to use this name.
      You might try something that is similiar and that isn’t registered with the US IRS.
      Good Luck with your charity!!

      Ron Campbell,Dir.
      Blankets 4 Kids.Inc

  7. I had good intentions of getting back to the blog area and updating our blanket schedule but with the growth of the organization and the buillding project we undertook in the winter, it just never happened. I’ll try to do a better job in the future.
    For the year ending 2010 we held 4 “Blanket-Thons”, one at St. Catherine Catholic Church in C/V and one at St. Geramine’s Church in P/V. We held 2 at Catholic Services in Prescott for the Foster Parent Program. We increased our blanket donation boxes from 6 to 13 and now cover the area from C/V to P/V. We are in all the main retail markets. We continue to service 12 different agencies that support the needs of kid’s. With the downturn in the economy this need of donating blankets to kids in our homeless shelters and low income families put us with donating 2200 comfort items in 2010. The public support for the organization has been outstanding and we were running out of storage room. We contacted Habitat for Humanity for help!

  8. Now that our outreach is growing around the Quad-City area we advertised for volunteers. So, as of today we have 4 ladies that make the pick-ups from the donation boxes and delivier them to the blanket warehouse. The blankets are then separated and those that need cleaning are taken to either Moore’s Cleaners or Prescott Cleaners. There is never a charge for their services! In Dec we started the construction on the warehouse and in March of this year (2011) it was completed. With the support of the local business’s and their contributions, whether with materials or labor it turned out beautiful and way under budget. We are greatful for their support. It has room to garage a Mid-Size Van and that’s something we desperately need to make our deliveries more efficient. If anyone would like to make a donation for this purpose, please go to our website, and select the PayPal button.

  9. During the month of Dec, 2010 we were invited to go down to the Xmas program at the Yavapai Food Bank in Prescott Valley. The weather was cold, snowey and rainey but with the help of all the volunteers we were able to give away over 600 Xmas wrapped gift blankets with a Teddy Bear tied to the top of the wrapping. All the blankets were wrapped with the help of the employees from Kohl’s Dept. store. We have requested a teddy bear grant from “Build a Bear”, which has been approved. Keep your fingers crossed.

  10. From the start of 2011, we continued to service the agencies that need blankets, hats and scarves for the kids. Our boundry continued to expand as the kids needs expanded. That took us from Ash Fork, AZ to Black Canyon, AZ. Both of these locations have a Head-Start program for low-income families and we were there handing out our comfort items. We’ll go anyplace to keep these kids warm. We continue to service the needs of the Foster Parent program that has taken a 25% reduction to families that foster kids. JC Penney’s has been a big donor with their comforters and large quilts, which are given to Catholic Charities to hand out.
    Keep an eye open for new donation boxes, as we are continuing to look for new locations. We are in a build mode for our inventory this summer, from what we can see on the future toward the end of 2011, we might very well exceed 3,000 donated comfort items this year. We’ll keep you informed!!
    Thank You
    Ron Campbell. Dir
    Blankets 4 Kids. Inc

  11. Look for us on Facebook!

  12. This is one great site!

  13. We have just been notified by the Phoenix Suns Charities that Blankets 4 Kids has been selected to receive a financial grant in the amount of $ 2,500.00. This grant will be presented to us at the US Airways Center in Phoenix Arizona on August 16th, 2011. A reception will be held from 3-5pm, followed by a basketball game betwwen the Phoenix Mercury and Seattle. It should be a fun-filled evening and I plan to return to Prescott later that night.

  14. Here’s the latest information on our support for those who were affected by the Wallow Fire at Alpine and Eagar in the White Mountains. We sent up 100 blankets, 100 hats and over 100 teddy bears that were donated by State Farm Agent here in Prescott. The volunteers boxed everything up and we shipped 11 boxes via UPS pro-bono. They picked up the entire charges. The donation boxes were running full at all our locations. The church’s in Eagar & Alpine will give out the comfort items to the kid’s. It doesn’t get much better than this. We still need a mid-size van but like everything else it all takes time. Someone will donate it!!

  15. Just to update this blog area, let me list a few things that can be closed out:
    1. The warehouse/garage for storing our commfort items was completed in March, 2011. The total area is about 600sq.ft and has enough room for a mid-size cargo van, which we need for pick-ups and delervies going to various agencies we service.We just recently had to purchase more shelving for the blanket storage and we should be full of comfort items for the fall program. The first Blanket-Thon will start at St. Catherines Ctholic Church on Oct 15 and next will be followed by St. Germanine Catholic Church on Oct 22, both 9:00am- 1:00m. Call us for additional info! (928-541-0483)

    2. Phoenix Suns Charities made the donation of $ 2,500.00 to Blankets 4 Kids on Aug 16th at the US Airways Center in phoenix. We took a few blankets down to put on display and during the course of the day, we were interviewed by a local TV network. This was our 1st time to apply for a grant from this charity, so getting it meet very much to this organization. A long time friend of mine and financial consultant, Charles Ferguson attended the reception with me. That evening we were invited to attend the ladies professional basketball team, Phoenix Mercury play the Seattle Storm. Exciting game and the Phoenix ladies won! Returned back to Prescott that evening.

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